EbA Strategies and Operational Plans Ready for Implementation
In the period from October to December 2020, detailed work and monitoring plans for the strategies of Ecosystem-based Adaptation to climate change were prepared. The strategies were developed during months of cooperation and 22 online workshops and meetings as well as regularly discussed, independent work on behalf of the Biosphere Reserves. Based on the elaboration and collection of EbA strategies and measures (4 catalogs per BR for the main ecosystem complexes), a criteria-based selection of 5 'key EbA-strategies' per region was completed. The work and monitoring plans for the strategies are ready for implementation. The results have already been presented to the project steering committee with the participation of Ukrainian ministry representatives and various documents have already been distributed among the participants.

Desnianskyi BR (5 out of 20 strategies):
- Close-to-nature forestry
- Transition to organic farming
- Increasing the area of (natural) green structures
- Increase of water retention in river basins and swamps
- Rational and sustainable use of agricultural lands
Roztochya BR (5 out of 18 strategies):
- Re-cultivation of anthropogenically disturbed lands
- Sustainable forest management
- Wetland restoration
- Conservation and protection of existing natural grasslands
- Ecological education as a tool of ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change

Shatskyi BR (5 out of 17 strategies):
- Close-to-nature forestry
- Restoration of the natural state of wetland and water ecosystems (increasing the water level in the region)
- Increasing environmental awareness of the population
- Ecological management of urban green spaces and targeted support of regulating the capacity of green (natural) areas
- Renaturation of depleted abandoned agricultural lands
EbA in Ukrainian Biosphere Reserves - Strategy Development Process
July to September 2020. The development of strategies for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to climate change with Ukrainian Biosphere Reserves continues despite Covid-19 travel ban and restrictions (project being part of International Climate Initiative - IKI). Experts and staff of the three partner Biosphere Reserves developed an extensive strategic portfolio, covering all the main ecological-social system clusters of their respective areas. Strategy evaluation and rating schemes were elaborated during offline work sessions by the BRs and partners informing the ongoing strategy selection process. Currently, the Biosphere Reserves are selecting key strategies for climate adaptation and develop detailed operational and monitoring plans to include them in their upcoming management activities. The process also provides room to talk about future activities beyond the project funded by the German Ministry of Environment. Part of the task is also the identification of allies and where funds can be acquired.

For more information about the strategy development click here.
Idea Contest on Adaptation to Climate Change
March to May 2020. Announcement of upcoming idea contest on adaptation to climate change. All residents from the Ukrainian Biosphere Reserves Roztochya, Shatskyi, and Desnianskyi are invited to participate.
The project proposals had to aim at tackling the effects of climate change with the help of natural ecosystems. Following the approach of ecosystem-based adaptation, the projects had to have a focus on restoration and (re-)establishment of ecological functions of already degraded or heavily modified ecosystems so that they can provide their regulating services. The projects had to include concrete measures of adaptation to be implemented on-site and to be measurable and have a long-term impact on the micro-climate.
9 projects for the implementation were chosen at the end. To see the winners of the Idea Contest click here.
Training and dialogue in Eberswalde: Ecosystem-based Adaptation in BRs
December 09 to 13, 2019: 15 representatives of 5 Ukrainian UNESCO Biosphere Reserves met in Eberswalde and initiated a dialogue to mutually support the understanding of Ecosystem-based Adaptation to climate change. The training was organized and conducted by the Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management with the support of the Michael Succow Foundation.

For more information about the training and dialogue in Eberswalde click here.
UNESCO EuroMAB conference in Dublin, 2019
April 1 to 5, 2019: The Centre for Econics together with the Succow Foundation and Ukrainian colleagues participated in the UNESCO EuroMAB conference which took place in Dublin, Ireland. With 200 Biosphere practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and, entrepreneurs from across Europe, Russia, USA and, Canada fruitful discussions and exchanges of ideas, initiatives and projects have been made. For getting more detailed information on UNESCO EuroMAB conference, please click here.
April 1 to 5, 2019: The Centre for Econics together with the Succow Foundation and Ukrainian colleagues participated at this year’s UNESCO EuroMAB conference in Dublin, Ireland. This event brought together over 200 Biosphere practitioners, policy-makers, researchers and entrepreneurs from across Europe, Russia, USA and Canada. The opportunity was given through our currently ongoing project that supports three Biosphere Reserves in Ukraine in their efforts for an Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change. Through a series of workshops and field trips, we were able to learn about an impressive amount and quality of already ongoing initiatives, ideas and research that will be very valuable for the Ukrainian as well as other projects that the Centre is engaged in. We were also very proud to share our insights and become more active in the network.
Project delegates at EuroMAB 2019 hosted by Dublin Bay Biosphere (from the left: Kevin Mack, Anatoliy Smaliychuk, Angela Dichte, Ina Rohmann, Galyna Stryamets, Uli Gräbener; image by A. Smaliychuk).
We very much enjoyed getting to know and strengthen this valuable, highly motivated international network and sharing our ideas and experiences with engaged practitioners.
The network and conference reaffirmed the urgency and relevance of ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change on a global scale. We were proud to share our project, which was received with high interest in both content and methodology and are sure to collaborate more intensely on the topic of EbA with the network in the future. We are not alone with this global challenge and need to strategically align our competencies and resources to improve our social-ecological systems outputs on a larger scale.
A very unfortunate and incomprehensible drawback for our Ukrainian-German efforts to contribute to the EuroMAB network was caused by two denied visa applications from Desnianskyi and Shatskyi Biosphere Reserves. We hope to count on more support from the MAB network and hosting countries in future events. Only by valuing all our partners as equals we can advance in our efforts to create a more climate-robust, just and sustainable future.