Biosphere Reserve Desnianskyi

Designation date: 2009
Desnianskyi Biosphere Reserve is located in Sumi and Chernihiv region. Georgraphically it is situated in the Eastern Polesia, in the middle stream of Desna river - one of the largest arms of the Dnipro and one of the last large unregulated watercourses in Europe.
Total area: 70,749 ha
Core zones: 2,397 ha
Buffer zone: 13,156 ha
Transition zone: 55,195 ha
The area of the biosphere reserve represents the basic landscape types of the eastern Polesie lowlands: 33% forests (38% incl. forested wetlands), 2% water ecosystems (rivers, lakes), 25% wetlands (swamps, marsh meadows, bogs), 14% grasslands, 20% agricultural, and 6% settlement area.
In the biosphere reserve, population density is rather low and is non-industrial. Agriculture and forestry are the typical economic basis with a considerable part of traditional parts of nature use.
The biosphere reserve includes other protected areas, such as, “Desniansko-Starogutskyi” National Nature Park, three wildlife reserves, three nature monuments, and the Ramsar site “Desna River Floodplains.”
The work with the public focuses on recreational and educational activities. Exhibitions, seminars, conferences as well as thematic events for schoolchildren are some of the regular activities for conducting educational activities.