Idea Contest's Winners Announced

We are delighted and proud to announce the winners of the Idea Contest. The judges chose 9 projects from three Biosphere Reserves.
Here you will find a list of the winners.
1. Lyubov Horban. Rewetting and Restoration of «Zalyvky» Bog
2. Lesya Koval. Establishment of Forest Shelters in the area of «Adonis» Farm
3. Stepan Kachan. Recultivation of Anthropogenically Disturbed Lands as a Method of Adaptation
1. Volodymyr Kubay. Adaptation of New Forestry Crops on the Territory of Shatskyi National Nature Park
2. Volodymyr Matlakh. Ecological Parking for Cars
3. Nina Ozimok. Wild Nature Corner
1. Natalia Kovalenko. Introduction of Environmentally Friendly Methods of Agricultural Land Use
2. Yuriy Kamenev. Restoration and Preservation of Soil Fertility in Polissya Region
3. Ivan Romanovskyi. Transformation of Coniferous Monocultures into the Mixed Uneven-aged Stands
Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to all the winners!